Dear Members of AmCham France,
AmCham is pleased to invited you to the 2020 Annual General Meeting, to be held June 23 at 17:30 by videoconference (login details will be sent out on June 22nd).
The agenda is as follows:
- Introduction of the Annual General Meeting by Stéphanie Barreau, the AmCham France President, reporting on the year’s activity
- Presentation of the financial statements for the 2019 financial year by the AmCham Treasurer
- Approval of AmCham’s 2019 annual accounts
- Quitus of the Board Members from their mandate
- Quitus of the Statutory Auditors from their mission
- Presentation of the Nominations Committee
- Election and ratification of the new members of the AmCham Board of Directors
- The AmCham President’s address and transition of power
- A.O.B.
Please RSVP before Friday, 19th of June.
The link and access codes for the Zoom meeting will be sent to you before the event.