Juin 2020

AmCham Annual General Meeting 2020

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Dear Members of AmCham France,

AmCham is pleased to invited you to the 2020 Annual General Meeting, to be held June 23 at 17:30 by videoconference (login details will be sent out on June 22nd).

The agenda is as follows: 

  1. Introduction of the Annual General Meeting by Stéphanie Barreau, the AmCham France President, reporting on the year’s activity
  2. Presentation of the financial statements for the 2019 financial year by the AmCham Treasurer
  3. Approval of AmCham’s 2019 annual accounts 
  4. Quitus of the Board Members from their mandate
  5. Quitus of the Statutory Auditors from their mission
  6. Presentation of the Nominations Committee
  7. Election and ratification of the new members of the AmCham Board of Directors 
  8. The AmCham President’s address and transition of power
  9. A.O.B.



Please RSVP before Friday, 19th of June.
The link and access codes for the Zoom meeting will be sent to you before the event.